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Saturday, January 03, 2009

It's A B*tch

I've always believed in Karma. I truly think that, "What goes around, comes around" and when all is said and done; we reap what we sow.

I strive to live an honorable life. I am not perfect. Not by a long shot. I do, however, try to act with kindness. I take the feelings of others into account in everything I do or say. I always make every attempt to do the right thing. I am never intentionally mean spirited.

I believe I am a good person.

Most people I cross paths with seem to be, as well. But there are a few; the selfish, self-centered few, that slowly chip away at the goodness. They can suck the life right out of you. Time and time again they prove to only care about their happiness. What makes their life easier. They don't seem to understand the dynamic that is give and take. They have only mastered the take.

I try to get past it. I try to let go. I give them chance after chance after chance. And just when I begin to see some light, they pull the rug out from under my feet, yet again.

They infuriate me with their sense of entitlement. They frown down from their pedestals as though everyone in their life is beneath them. Time and time again they exhibit disrespect and thoughtlessness.

It hurts.

So, why is it that Karma has given me the shaft while bestowing the best of everything on these few? I don't wish harm on anyone, but why is their Karma not coming back to bite them in the ass? Why does the balance seem to be a askew and why must the good around them continue to tolerate their inconsiderate behavior?

How much must be endured? Tell me; when is enough, enough?


Zephra said...

Sometimes it takes a little while to hit em or we don't see it hit them but it does. It always does.

EE said...

I'm living this right now, too. If you discover the answer, please let me know.

VisibleSoulPhotography said...

Let me know when you find the answer as I often wonder this very same thing.

Laura said...

My dear - there is no right answer. I am dealing with this as well...the day after Christmas, after yet another year of my brother playing his games, I was ready to write him off...and then, I question when is enough enough...he and his wife suck the life and happiness right out of our family...and we keep letting them back...when is enough enough, I do not know...and I too stuggle with that.

Laura said...

Oh....hugs and support. I think we just have to draw a line and make a decision - a decision that protects us, and our children - that is what counts.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I can't tell you how many times I've felt this way about some former friends of mine. They hurt me terribly and I feel bad thinking so vindictively, but then I realized I just want justice, or at the very least an apology....

But then again, by letting go of the pain I think I've become there's that.

But yeah....where is their Karma?

Chris said...

My 8 year old son just asked me the same thing a few days ago. "I'm always nice to people. I try to help people. So why does bad stuff always seem to happen to me?" It was enough to make me want to cry.

Patois42 said...

This is why one of the number one things I want my kids to learn is that life isn't fair. I'm sorry for you. It bites.

Unknown said...

That my dear is the $64,000 question. Hugs to you!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

If you find the right anwser let me know.

Marit said...

Maybe we SHOULDN'T tolerate their intolerant behavior and stop being nice.

The Fritz Facts said...

I often wonder this same thing. How many times must I be the bigger person, when others are the ones with problems? I don't always get it, but deal the same as you.


Anonymous said...

I think they all get their punishment eventually. We might not know it, but they also get hurt. Just keep on being nice. =)

kristi said...

I am right there with you. That is why I cut a lot of family members out of my life. It is too much.

Lynn - the piggy bank painter said...

Did you read my mind or what???? ((((((hugs))))))
I am living the same thing and it just sucks. Except this time I am standing my ground and not giving in....

Christy/Tiddly Inks Digitals said...

I always hope that this just means they are gonna get it 10-fold...unless it is ME that needs the karma kick, and in that case...too damn bad! LOL
Feel better! :)

Unknown said...

when it rains it pours it seems for me...I.Feel.Your.Pain!

ThatsBaloney said...

Awww. Sorry they aren't being nice. Unfortunately, we can't control them. We can only control how we react to it.
The other side of it is that you may perceive things that way - but you never really know what goes on behind closed doors. You really don't.
Keep your chin up.

Dawn said...

I was going to say something similar as Baloney. Whose to say they aren't getting their due? I mean they may have some ugly crap inside that's eating its way from the inside OUT! Blech!

Continue to be the good person you are. You will eventually be rewarded. I promise. :)

Anonymous said...

What goes around DOES come around. Sometimes, it just takes a long time.