But I said 5 songs were to be chosen. So 5 is must be. In no particular order my picks for everyone to vote on are:
1. Megryansmom from Look It's Megryansmom suggested "You Drive Me Crazy" by Britney Spears. Anyone who has a husband, I'm sure will concur, that this needs no explanation. Next.
2. Christine from The Bean Blog offered up, "Whatta Man" by Salt 'N Pepa. I LOVE that song. And Mr. Schmitty, yeah, "Whatta Man"!
3. Queen-Size Funny Bone from Don't Let Your Funny Bone Go Limp went with "Nobody Loves Me Like You Do" by Anne Murray. That is our wedding song, it has LOTS of meaning and memories, a definite contender, don't you think? One note; I would have to go with the Whitney Houston/Jermaine Jackson version though, if this song should win, as our first dance was sung by our band as a duet.
4. Janis from Pass The Merlot Please remembered that Mr. Schmitty is in law enforcement. Kudos, Janis! So, appropriately, she thinks "Bad Boys" by Inner Circle is a great choice.
5. And last, but not least, I had a very hard time choosing the final song. It was between Baloney at That's Baloney! who offered AC/DC's "You Shook Me All Night Long" and Patois at Whee! All The Way Home with her entry of Bruce Springsteen's "Fire". Tough, TOUGH, TOUGH! Springsteen...Yea, I'm from Joisey. Love The Boss. Met The Boss. Lived only streets away from The Boss (really, I did). My daughter's first concert, in utero; Yup, The Boss. AC/DC was MY first concert. I saw them with Mr. Schmitty. Though we were only high school friends. Actually, I was dating HIS best friend at the time. Long Story. They are still best friends. I'm best friends with HIS wife. THEY are our son's Godparents. See, LONG STORY.
Anywho, that all being said, I am officially going with "Fire". Less 'splainin to do. Heh.
There you have it. My 5 picks. I'm sorry if I didn't choose your song. Please don't take it personally. I could have picked numerous others, however, some of the songs would have been difficult to explain. Some of you
Let's get going here. Pick a song, you have until New Year's Day at 4 pm. The ringtone with the most votes will win a $25.00 iTunes Gift Card for either Megryansmom, Christine, Queen-Size Funny Bone, Janis, or Patois. The song will also become my ringtone for Mr. Schmitty.
Good Luck ladies and thanks for playing along!
Oooo Weeee another contest! It's an honor just being picked. Thank you!
Now I see why you're making US choose. This is impossible to pick the best one...
Lots of good choices! Looks like my favorite is the winner so far...
Cool contest!
hope my song gets picked.
Bruce, all the way, baby -- gosh, but I envy your new phone :)
I want in on this one.
pick my song.
Those are some awesome choices!!!
Happy New Years! All the best in 2009!
Thanks for putting me in the running. Gee what happen to romance.
My husband has the theme from Halloween on his cell phone when I call. He's a sweetie, isn't he?
My kids are still too young to get the joke.
I think.
"Whatta Man" gets my vote.
I voted for whatta man.
The Springsteen song was the ONLY one I recognized.
God, I am so freakin' old.
Mine was the best.
Fat purple dinosaur singing about happy families... I mean WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT WOMAN!
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