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Friday, May 18, 2007

Get Your Own Drink!

Last night I was watering my flowers. I finally planted some this year. I haven't done any gardening in a few years because, frankly, I just couldn't find the time with the kids. I was very excited to do my planters this year and the kids loved helping me.

I love flowers, but I really don't have much of a green thumb. Actually, I completely suck at gardening. I start off very enthusiastic and imagine that by mid-summer I will have these beautiful, hearty flowers all around me. I've learned that I need to plant my annuals in pots and planters. It's a lot easier to dump them out than it is to rip them out of the ground when they die. Thankfully, I seem to be better with kids than plants.

Anyway, I had purchased this really fragrant, gorgeous, hanging planter. The flowers are pink and white. That's all I know. I threw away the stick stating what they were. See, I just don't know what I'm doing here. I hung the planter outside of my front door under the eave. I love to smell them every time I step outside.

We started to notice these little birds loved them too. The kids and I would watch birds flying around the planter all day from the window. It never occurred to me that it was the same 2 birds and that they were a couple, eh-hem. Until last night that is. I went to water my planter, the flowers were somewhat wilty. And yes, I know that's not an actual word. I think I cursed the birds some and just as I went to pour some water in the planter, out one flew and almost took my head off. I ducked and almost fell on my rump. "I bet there's a nest in there!" I say. Hooray, Einstein.

I take the planter down, keeping a watchful eye on mama bird, who is eyeing me from a nearby wire. I'm not looking away, totally fearful she may attack. I look in and sure enough this is what I find:

The picture is dark, but there are 6 little speckled eggs in there. I called the kids to come see, still making sure mama bird is not preparing to peck me in my head. After they oohed and aahhed and I snapped this picture, I carefully placed the planter back up on its hook.

So, what do I do now? Do I keep watering the flowers, making sure to be careful of the nest? Do I just let the flowers die? I would hate to disturb a mother and her babies but shouldn't the flowers be kept alive to help hide her? And those things weren't cheap, neither!

The kids were very excited about the discovery. The boys pulled their arms in their shirts and stuck their elbows back out. They looked like they had wings and were flapping them all around the front of the house as they squawked very loudly. R. who was eating Kix from a paper cup, of course needed to get into the act. She placed her cup on the sidewalk and pulled her arms in her shirt. She couldn't quite grasp the concept of sticking her elbows out so the arms stayed in the shirt. All of a sudden she bends down and sticks her nose in her paper cup. She lifts the cup up with her mouth and walks away.

Mr. Schmitty and I were hysterical, though I can imagine what the people in the car that drove by were thinking. "Look at those cruel adults, they are laughing at the poor child with no arms trying to get a drink."


Valerie said...

Cool about the nest. I don't know if you should water the plant or not. We have a nest in the back of the hotel with 4 eggs. Momma bird made the nest on some gravel. We are thinking we will have baby birds in about a week now.

Life As I Know It said...

Oh, that's so great you have a nest, but not so great it's in your plant...
Not sure, but I think watering the plant would disturb the nest and mama bird.
Happy spring!

Jen said...

Poor little armless baby. That's hilarious!

Maybe you could just give the plant a tiny bit of water a couple of times a day? I don't know, I've killed every plant I've ever owned.

Justice Fergie said...

that was hilarious.

hmmmm, you should probably still water the plant (just taking a little extra care). the mama bird probably chose it because ot was so healthy and beautiful.

Lainey-Paney said...

Oh! I saw the eggs once you pointed them out.
The eggs make that a really cool picture!

To water or not to water?
I don't know. I guess I probably would not....

Maria said...

Well, mama and papa bird aren't going to win any big brain bird awards...

But, you can't let the flowers die! I say, carefully water each day and try to do it around the same time so that the birds get semi-accustomed to the intrusion thing.

What a strange place to build a nest? I had a nest in my gutter before, that's about as crazy as it ever got for me.

Zephra said...

You are going to have to choose flower or birds...I hope you choose birds. We had a nest last year (actually we have one every year) and I took pictures all throughout the babies lives from egg to they day they flew away. I was so proud.

Zephra said...

Just a thought, you could place the planter in a pan of water so that it is watered from under and not have water poured over eggs and eventual babies. Depending on how hot it is outside maybe once a week for a long soak.

Anonymous said...

Mm... That's a tricky one.

We have had a nest above the front door for nearly three years. There have been chicks twice. Last year the parents came back, flew around, but no eggs were laid!
I also took pics, may post them soon...

Have a great weekend!

Rootietoot said...

I'd water. We have a wren who lays eggs in one of my hanging baskets every year, and I water- but not with the shower wand, I kind of pour a glassful in on the side opposite the nest. Is it a little brown bird? those look like wren eggs to me, and wrens like being near people. We have a nest of swifts in our chimney as well. They serenade us during dinner.

Mrs. Schmitty said...

Thanks for all of the advice. I definitely don't want to disturb this little family to be. I will see what happens, if the flowers die, so be it. I don't want to traumatize mama, but if I can I will try getting pics of the babies when they hatch!

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

Cool! We used to always hang two ferns on our front porch until I got lazy two summers ago. Any way, a family of birds made it their annual home. I just carefully watered around the nest.

Speaking of not having a green thumb I bought two GORGEOUS purple violet hanging baskets (I think that's what they are...I also threw away the info tag) and they are almost dead now. I think they are shade lovers and I've had them scorching on our back patio.