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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Pop Quiz

Okay folks, this is a multiple choice question.

What happened in this picture?

A. The weather man was wrong and instead of clear skies in the 60's today, a tornado blew through town and hit my playroom.

B. A burglar lock bumped my front door, bypassed the alarm system, and ransacked the playroom looking for this treasure.

C. A bomb exploded in my house.

D. Ninja girl freaked after I told her mommy wasn't buying Tanner.

E. I babysat today and in a matter of 5 seconds a 2, 3, 4, and 5 year old played with everything the Schmitty children own. (Please note the emphasis on the word played, as I did intend it as sarcasm)

Answer: E. - Believe it or not it wasn't Mother Nature, A Thug, A Bomb, nor was it a Ninja Warrior. Okay, so it was a Ninja Warrior but she was incongnito as a preschooler and she had accomplices.


Rootietoot said...

That happened to me once. And only once.

Valerie said...

Isn't it amazing how small people can make such a big mess?

Maria said...

I just have one question: What was my kid doing over at your house when she was supposed to be at school?

Anonymous said...

OMG, that resembles my family room some days.

Three kids, 2 dogs, and a lot of coffee.

And a whip.

Robyn said...

It looks familiar!

Gidget said...

Oh my!
I feel like laying in the middle of it and making an angel. :0)

Justice Fergie said...

WOW. Just wait until next week's "Wordless Wednesday" - my pic may actually top yours :-)

Now for the important question: Did they help clean up??

I tagged you for a meme: 5 reasons why you blog

Happy Friday!

Pendullum said...

But at least the walls are clean...
Not crayola disater...
There is always a silver lining in a pile of toys...