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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rock-A-Bye Kitty

One of R.'s best friends, S., came to visit today. The girls play really, REALLY well together. They hold hands all the time and have so much fun. I overheard them in the playroom, as one suggested they play mommies. I peeked in to make sure they hadn't found my stash of wine find them, not rocking baby dolls, but our new kitten instead.

Izzy was all bundled up in the toy cradle and the girls were singing lullabies to her. Doesn't she look cozy? She is such a wonderful kitten. If you could only see what the poor thing had to endure today! She didn't seem to mind at all. Oddly enough, she seemed to enjoy it!

Oh, and I really needed to share this photo, as well. This is Mr. Schmitty's attempt at humor. Note that the cats in the cradle......yes, with a silver spoon.

I am officially married to a dork.


The Fritz Facts said...

Little Boy Blue and the Man on the that song will be in my head.

You have such a good kitty, and the fact that the girls want to play with the kitty is wonderful too. Too cute!

Bonnie the Boss said...

Sorry, I messed up on the last one so I deleted it.
Your hubby might be a dork, but I did laugh!
"When you comin' home Dad, I don't know when" ....
that is a very patient Kitty!

Patois42 said...

At least it's official.