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Monday, December 15, 2008

Getting Into The Spirit

I think I might finally be getting into the holiday season. Up until now, I have felt...well, I haven't felt much of anything, really. It's been a hectic few weeks and with the kids getting sick last week and me desperately trying to fight off the germs that I KNOW they have passed on to me, I just haven't been in a festive mood.

And for me, that's bad. I'm usually so excited for Christmas. It's a busy, BUSY time for me. I get stressed, but if you know me, then you know stress motivates me. I work best under pressure.

But this year I don't feel that stressed...because I really haven't seemed to care if I'm behind on my long list of to-dos. So.Not.Me!

But tonight, the Schmitty household seems to be turning a corner. I seem to be winning the battle of the sickness, one child is well enough to go back to school tomorrow, one is still hacking his poor little brains out, but the coughing IS coming less frequently than this morning, and one little girl is still completely snotting all over the place, but her cough has stopped.

There just might be a light at the end of the tunnel.

That, motivated me to get busy. I just jarred up nine quarts of homemade Manhattan Clam Chowder that I simmered all day. Tomorrow I will make my tomato sauce, meatballs, and sausage. I will also try to make my homemade Manicotti. I am getting this ready for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinners. I want to freeze it all ahead of time to make next week a little easier on me.

Yes, I host both nights. Approximately 15 people on each. All because I'm....well, an idiot.

I still have to bake cookies too. I have to try to squeeze a day in somewhere. My shopping was completed online this morning but I still need to wrap EVERYTHING. I have to get out my good dishes and clean them up. I have to finalize my menus and order the fish for Christmas Eve. Oh, and I have to make some stationery for my kid's teachers.....all five of them.

Yea....I'm feeling the holidays now, baby!


Patois42 said...

Wow! I'm glad you got your energy mojo back 'cause you've got lots to do. I, too, love the pressure. (Sicko that I am.) (But don't think I'm calling you a sicko.)

Michele said...

LOL, I hear ya... from the sick kids, to the on the blink computer... and now the Christmas madness! This also shall pass ;)
Michele Ireys

Sarahviz said...

Just reading that stressed me out! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear that you've avoided the germs and the little ones are getting better. Good luck with your list.

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Get that booty in gear! Watch out she's motivated.

Dysd Housewife said...

DUDE. I can't even host one party much less two. good luck with that. LOL

The Fritz Facts said...

Yeah! So glad you got your holiday spirit back. Sometimes it just takes longer to kick in.
This year is the first year in forever we are not hosting a single holiday...I am so excited about that!!

Unknown said...

I can honestly say that I would rather be sick and in bed than celebrate the holiday! blah!