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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Take This Job And Shove It

Today, I hate being a mom. There I said it. I know some reading this are going to probably crucify me for saying that. Well, go for it, because right now, I don't care.

I love my children. I really and honestly do. But sometimes it is just so freaking hard. Anyone who reads my blog regularly, you know ~ all 5 of you, knows that I adore them and their funny ways. And most days I find them absolutely hilarious. But a lot of times, well, not so much.

You see, along with their humor, they all seem to carry this very strong-willed personality. Everyone has their difficult child. That child, the one that fights you EVERY.STEP.OF.THE.WAY on EVERY.SINGLE.TASK. Well, God blessed me with 3 like that. I always say they will make WONDERFUL adults someday. BUT 3 kids that strong-willed can be a bit exhausting.

W., as you know, got a very rocky start to life. He has always been a very, VERY active child. His impulse control, quite literally, scares the beejeezus out of me at times. He has a tendency to think before he acts and sometimes this leads to him or someone else getting hurt. His cardiologist told me about a year ago that the A.D.H.D. like symptoms seem to be linked to the type of congenital heart defect he had when he was born. So I face, sometimes wondering, "Can he help himself?" Are his meltdowns just part of the birth defect? And let me tell you, the boy CAN meltdown. It is emotionally draining. He can be more challenging to manage than my other two, combined.

T., well he is probably my easiest of the three. I say it's because he has the typical middle child personality. Always the mediator and peacemaker. But he can be a handful too. I think sometimes it's because the oldest and youngest can take so much of the limelight. He's great at antagonizing and arguing, RELENTLESSLY. I think he needs to be heard. He doesn't want his siblings getting all of the attention.

R., ahhhhh, Miss R. My teeny, tiny firecracker. The 4 1/2 year old that still wears 3T clothing. The one that looks so cute and innocent. HA! The one that will ball up her fist and punch you square in the stomach after she runs at you from across the room like a banshee. The one that will attack her brothers with the ferocity of a tiger when provoked. AAAAhhhhh....that one is not going to take squat from anyone. I'll be getting lots of phone calls home from school when she gets there. Secretly, I kind of like that about her, but I'm tired of getting clocked when I tell her, "No more snacks!"

All 3 were in rare form tonight. Actually, they've been in rare form a lot lately. Mr. Schmitty and I were at the end of our ropes. We didn't know whether to use those ropes to tie them to chairs or around our own necks.

So we laid down the law. They lost dessert. They were in bed at 7:30. They have lost all electronic goodies (i.e. TV, Wii, Gameboys, and Computer) until further notice.

They will get them back when they learn a little self-control, respect for us and each other, and they decide to begin working as a family.

This could take a while.


Laura said...

Hang in there...Mama said there would be days like these!

It is amazing how much work the rugrats can tired it can make much energy they need, want and deserve.

...hang in there...and remember, your bigger and have more experience than them!!! Stick to your guns!

Sending hugs and positive vibes!

The Fritz Facts said...

One day at a time. It does have good days, but the bad days seem to multiply don't they. There are days we all struggle to like our kids, we always love them. You don't have to like them. Lord knows there are days I don't like mine.

Valerie said...

Sorry you were having a tough Mommy day. They suck don't they? Instead of the ropes I suggest duct tape it works wonders.

Anonymous said...

I have many days like that. I'll let you borrow my duct tape.


For the Love... said...

You just get worn down dealing with every single slight. I want them to learn to deal with each other to resolve problems and quit yelling for me (AKA the MomSiren) because Magnuts is giving someone the StinkEye at the breakfast table.

TheFritzFacts is right on...I always love them but there are days where liking them can be a when they spray painted my van...or the indoor egg fight of 02'...

Zephra said...

No woman is is a Mom could ever say there were not days when she hated the job. Well, maybe if she had a nanny full time or had the kids taken away by the state.

Anonymous said...

I had "one of those" kind of weeks last week...My little man is just at the age to start trying me to NO END! He seems to have dove head first into the Terrible Twos...And I'm aboout ready to PULL MY HAIR OUT!! LOL! I just keep reminding myself that "This Too Shall Pass"!

Amanda said...

Your day sounds like a job for Nanny 911 or whatever that show is called. Hang in there :-)

Life As I Know It said...

Oh, I hear ya'. There are some days when I wake up and think to myself 'I don't want to do this today'. Just one. day. off.
And then I feel terrible for thinking that.

Hang in there!!

Anonymous said...

It's okay - sometimes, I don't like my kids...either - sending you sweet thoughts of Starbucks and hoping that today was even a little better ;o) said...

It makes me feel good to know that I'm not the only person that has feelings or days like this. Or that thinks her kids are out of control. Taking away their prized possessions should do the trick, for some time at least. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm having one of those days right now. It starts as soon as they wake up until they fall back asleep....

Maria said...

I had to laugh when I was out with my bff, Harriet and she commented that it was lucky that her kids were all alive that day, that the night before she had been ready to make them sleep in the garage.

Some days are just...awful. I have one child. If I had three, I would probably be a babbling idiot. I think you are doing just FINE.

Anon said...


Anonymous said...

I have had one too many of these kinds of days lately. You are not alone, my friend. I'm hopeful that warm weather will bring better behavior.

Anonymous said...

I totally GET that. I love my kid but there have been many a day I hate being a mother.

Hang in there!! xxoo

Jen said...

I can't even count the number of days I've had like this and I've only got two kids. You're not alone. Just try and remember, the good times make the not so good days so worth it.

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

Both my girls, especially the youngest, are really strong willed. They wear me the hell out some days. Honestly sometimes at night I am just waiting anxiously for them to go to bed already! Also, they seem to get supercharged at about 8 every night...

Hang in there! Make a trip to the liquor store and have a nice mixed drink tonight. Or three. ;)

Meanie said...

many priveleges have been lost in our household lately and my normally angelic three year experienced her first time out ever yesterday.
must be something in the air. oh yeah, the freaking frigid never ending WINTER!

Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

This post totally spoke to me.

Take care. I wish I could take you out for a drink (or two or ten)!

Anonymous said...

My son is only 8 months old and I sometimes already feel that sometimes, just sometimes, things were back to where they were before children.

It's not about the poopy diaper changes, or the 2 am feedings, or having to be the responsible parent now. It's just that I feel I'm missing out on life. I'm constantly tired. Always too tired to do things so I miss out on dinners with friends. I use the weekends to catch up on things so I barely get a chance to go out.

I can't image how life will be with more than one kid!