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Friday, August 17, 2007

Laila Ali Better Lookout!

My daughter has a real problem lately. Well, actually, I guess you could call it my problem. She has always had an anger management issue. She's teeny, but she's hell on wheels and doesn't take crap from NOOOOOBODY! Part of me likes that, I want her to be a strong woman with no fear of standing up for herself. That's good, she won't be a doormat.

What I am not liking is that lately, she's been clocking anyone who looks at her wrong. She is only 3 going on 4 and I truly believe she is having difficulty expressing herself when she is angry. She speaks extremely well, however, her emotions are just getting the best of her. So she lashes out.

And man can she lash out! None of that girly slapping, pinching, or pulling hair stuff. No way! She balls up her little fist and BLAMO! She aims right for the face. And it hurts! Last week she got pissed because I put her on the potty when she first woke up. Apparently she's not going to be a morning person because I got a right hook to the nose.

Last night she was giving me a hard time going to bed. She's always been great at bedtime but for the past two weeks it's been a problem. I tried everything to get her to settle down. At one point I had told her to stop talking so loudly because the boys were sleeping.

"My boys are awake!" she shot back at me. And yes, she calls them "My Boys" like she owns them.

"No Missy, they are asleep", I replied.

"Show me!"

Now, I know I probably should not have given in, but I was whooped and this had been going on for quite some time. So, I scooped her up, threw her on my hip, opened the boys door and said, "See?"

She looked in their room, saw them under their covers, glared at me, and then it happened. She hauled off and punched me square in the jaw. TWICE! Thank God I don't have a glass jaw, because seriously, I think that could have been a K.O.!

I just looked at her astonished. I walked back into her room, contemplated throwing her out the window, then I placed her on her pillow. I pulled up her blanket, gave her Bimsy the Bunny, said goodnight, and walked out.

It was the best I could do without losing my cool. I think she got that because I never heard another peep.


Anonymous said...

"Apparently she's not going to be a morning person because I got a right hook to the nose." Hahahaha. Too funny! This kinda reminds me of my daughter...she doesn't hit yet, but man is she bossy and stubborn.

Annie said...

Way to go for not letting it escalate. I have a similarly 'spirited' daughter - and more times than I'm happy about, I end up shouting at her!

Anonymous said...

I like a spirited child, even if I have to duck every once in a while!

My son isn't so much for hitting, but he does a dead on impression of me, both tone of voice and expression, telling him to stop or to behave. And the funny thing is he's not even trying!

I can't get on to him because I'm holding my breath trying not to laugh. He goes back to MDO on Monday. I pity his new teachers for the first couple of weeks!

Maria said...

Wow. I don't have any experience with that. Although, Liv is starting to develop a snotty little mouth, she never has tried to wallop me!

Good luck and tell me how it works out.....not that I plan on having any more children...but I like your stories.

Anonymous said...

Oh I think that we would get along fabulously!

Anonymous said...

A female boxing champion in the making !! ;)

EE said...

My husband has a punching bag. When my son (who has a difficult time expressing emotions appropriately)is angry, I send him down to let out his aggressions on the bag. It works for us.

sissy said...

At least she isn't afraid to express herself! My newly 4 year old daughter put her hands on her hips and announced, "I CONTROL WHAT I DO!", the other day. Where the heck did that come from? But I didn't have to duck....

Anonymous said...

I think I have your daughter's twin in the smaller form of my son Toddler.... aacckk! Good thing I know how to protect my nose because I broke it a long time ago :(

Anonymous said...

I have the 2001 edition!

Unknown said...

My nephew is like this and then his mom enrolled him in Karate classes and it was very good at channeling all the energy.

cathouse teri said...

My emotions get the best of me when a child punches me. I slap them. :)

kristi said...

Ha! I would have probably popped her butt because that would have been my knee jerk reaction. Wow! She sounds tough! said...

Wow, I hope you find a solution for it soon.....I don't think I could handle my child hitting me on purpose! Mine weren't like that when they were her age, so I didn't really deal with anger till later.