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Saturday, June 12, 2010

NJ State Trooper Marc Castellano

I never want to see a NJ State Trooper approach my front door unless my husband is home.

Without words being spoken, I would know. I would crumble.

My world would crumble.

When I first heard of the tragic accident, one that never should have happened, that took the life of NJ State Trooper Marc Castellano on Sunday, June 6th, I was at home. I heard the news from my husband.

After exhaling the breath I was holding, I felt a moment of relief.

Relief that my husband does not work on Sundays. Relief that he was not involved in the chaos that transpired that day.

And then my heart immediately grew heavy.

My husband told me that this young man, who was a mere 29 years old with only 5 years on the job, was leaving behind a wife, a four year old daughter, and a one year old son.

I could never imagine the sorrow that his wife must be feeling.

As I type this, my husband, wearing his dress uniform and his polished leather and brass, is helping lead the procession as Trooper Castellano is laid to rest.

Please take a moment, if you would, and say a prayer for him and his family.

And then....hug and kiss your family.

*I have placed information in my sidebar regarding the Trooper Castellano Children's Fund which will benefit Julianna and Vincent Castellano.


Dawn said...

That's just horrific and so tragic.

Is your husband a state trooper? My dad is a retired Oklahoma Highway Patrol Trooper. My brother is in law enforcement as well.

I'm always worried about something happening to them on the job. My brother is an investigator on the drug task force out of the district attorney's office.

meleah rebeccah said...

I am praying for his family and hugging mine right now.

FireMom said...

Man. I just cried into my salsa.

Similarly, if a Cambridge police officer and/or firefighter approach my door on a day that FireDad is working, I'm not answering the door. I'm just not.

ThatsBaloney said...

I'm sorry to hear this. It's just so awful.
They will be in my prayers.

Christy/Tiddly Inks Digitals said...

That is just too horrible for words.
Hugging mine right now.

Big Mama T said...

I hadn't heard about Trooper Castellano, that's so awful. I'm so, so sorry for his family, and the blue and gold...

My Father, Uncle, Godfather, and just about all of their friends are retired Troopers, so I was raised surrounded by them- I remember that 'breath holding' feeling well.


I understand the feeling. My husband was a firefighter....and now volunteers. I always have that gut reaction. I will keep the Castellano family in my prayers and your post was so sweet. Thanks for caring enough to make others aware.

Lainey-Paney said...

That is so very tragic.

...don't watch the movie "Brothers" with Jake Gyllenhal. There's a "crumble" scene in there that truly took my breath away & brought me to tears...and my Hubby doesn't have one of those jobs, but I know. You don't ever want to be in that place.

Cindy said...

Well, I'm always worried about something happening to them on the job. My brother is an investigator on the drug task force out of the district attorney's office. anyway thanx for sharing.