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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Who Wants A Hundred Bucks?

Who doesn't, am I right?!

Well, I'm not giving you a hundred smackeroos. I'm Broke.

Uh-huh, with a big 'ol capital B.

But what I am doing is hosting the BlogHer $100 Question! BlogHer has asked me to supply them with a question and all you have to do is visit my post on their site, sign in or register, and answer my question in the comment section (make sure your contact email is up-to-date). You have until 5 p.m., Thursday, August 26, to be eligible and then the great ladies at BlogHer will enter all the comments into a randomizer and choose one lucky winner! You can read the official rules here.

That's easier than hitting that Staples button. Because really, who even owns one of those? And the best part of all of this? It won't cost me a cent.


Now, you are probably thinking, "What's the question, ALREADY?!" Okay, keep your shirt on!


Do you truly LIKE your children's friends?

Loaded question, I know. But don't worry, I won't out you, I promise. *fingers crossed behind my back*

I generally love children they taste great on a cracker or in a good hearty stew. That being said, YES, I do truly like my children's friends. I guess I'm lucky that my kid's friends are all pretty good eggs. Now, don't get me wrong, we've had our fair share of issues, but for the most part they don't bug me too much are polite and well behaved. They spend a lot of time at my house so I can spy on them keep an eye on things. They know that if they step into my home, they are going to follow my rules, no matter what they may be allowed to do at home. Or I'll beat them. They are scared shitless of me know I have no problem speaking to them if they break a rule and also know, that if they don't like it, well, I'll be throwing their little asses out there's the door, don't let it hit you in the butt on your way out!

So, what about you? Tell BlogHer and I what you're thinking.

It could win you some moolah!

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